Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Focus On: Propulsion

The two most important metrics when considering propulsion for this mission are exhaust velocity and thrust per watt. A higher exhaust velocity reduces the propellant needed for a mission, while higher thrust per watt increases performance or reduces the required electric power.
Most CubeSat propulsion available today uses pressurized gas or monopropellant. While most of these require nearly no power to run, they have very low exhaust velocities. On the other end of the spectrum, most electric thrusters have excellent exhaust velocities, but are heavy, require a great deal of power, and provide very little thrust.

Our research into this mission first became serious when we discovered the Cubesat Ambipolar Thruster (CAT), which is designed to enable interplanetary CubeSat missions. Permanent magnets form a magnetic nozzle, and an RF antenna creates plasma.
CAT uses iodine as propellant, which has performance very close to that of xenon, and is cheaper and can be stored solid. Solid storage means that propellant tanks can be much smaller and do not have to hold pressure.
CAT provides about 100 mN/kW, as opposed to 10 from comparable ion thrusters, at about 1,000sec Isp, compared to 200 from monopropellant thrusters. However, while efficient enough to allow a CubeSat to get to Mars by itself(!), large solar arrays would need to be custom-made to provide enough power for the thruster to give enough thrust for practical operations at Mars, where solar intensity is 57%-71% lower than at Earth.

Image result for cubesat ambipolar thruster
Credit: University of Michigan

Last November, we came across the ConstantQ hybrid electrostatic thruster, which is smaller, more efficient, and higher-performance than CAT for our purposes (CAT is still an excellent option for other applications!). The standard Model H system is comprised of four slightly angled thruster heads. The angle allows differential thrusting to provide torque, which is useful for desaturating reaction wheels (allowing flywheels to gradually slow down to nominal speeds without turning the spacecraft)

ConstantQ(tm) Model H
Credit: Fluid and Reason, LLC

The thruster generates plasma in pulses, about 2400 times per second. While listed as providing 1.25 mN of thrust per head, at 760sec Isp, tests have shown that it can provide 1.6 mN of thrust at 1,100sec Isp, which gives us a whopping 290.9 mN/kW at a better exhaust velocity than the CAT.
"Gas flow rate and the timing of these pulses drive the performance. When the flow rate goes too low, no plasma is generated. When too high, cold gas thrust increases but no plasma is formed. It's a very large flow range though. Likewise, when the spark frequency is too low, too little plasma is formed to combat the neutral gas and no plasma gets accelerated. When the spark frequency is too high, shock waves in the gas stop propellant flow and thrust stops. We have a variety of patent pending feedback mechanisms that let us control the operating point in real time." - Wes Faler

This increased thrust also means that 4 thruster heads give us enough acceleration, so we can use the off-the-shelf model of the thruster. The Model H masses 500 grams without propellant. Like the CAT, the ConstantQ uses iodine propellant which is stored solid, at a density of about 4 g/cm^3.

We expect the propulsion system to fit within 10 cm x 10 cm x 12 cm and carry slightly over two kilograms of propellant. Having a quarter of the initial spacecraft mass be propellant provides us with 3 km/s of delta-V, which we estimate is more than enough to complete our mission after Mars injection.
A solo mission to Mars from Geostationary Earth Orbit is feasible, but would require 50%-60% of the spacecraft's mass to be propellant, and would pose challenges that will be detailed in a future post.

Upcoming post: mission profiles!

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Story Thus Far

MarMoSet was born just over a year ago. In December of 2015, while talking to a friend about the Google Lunar XPrize, I remembered that it's theoretically easier to land on Mars's moons than our own. For fun, we began looking into what it would take to send a small mission to the Martian moons.
Once we discovered other ambitious CubeSat missions and the technology that enabled them, we realized that such a mission was actually possible. This led us to start taking the mission seriously and look into the details of such a mission.

While researching work being done on similar missions, I came across iCubeSat, a workshop on interplanetary CubeSat missions, science, and technology. I submitted an abstract and ended up giving a presentation at Oxford in late May. You can find that presentation here.
In July we attended The Third International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos. All the presentations from there are available at the site. Most importantly, we learned that SpaceX's Red Dragon mission has up to  500 kg available for secondary payloads, and that JAXA is planning a Phobos sample return to launch in 2022. We also met with Deep Space Industries to discuss their asteroid prospector missions.

In November, after two months of trying to get in contact with SpaceX, I got an answer from an engineer leading  the Red Dragon program confirming that our mission could piggyback to Mars on the Red Dragon.
We also discovered new propulsion systems and research that enabled us to start looking more in-depth at our mission plan.
We're now working on contacting researchers and on creating a detailed reference mission, as well as making the work we're doing more available to the public through this blog.

Coming soon, posts detailing:
Mission rationale! Why do we even want to go to Phobos?
Spacecraft systems! First on the list: propulsion!
Mission profile! What even IS MarMoSet?
